Monday, January 21, 2008

Why aren't snowflakes alike?

If you enlarged a frozen water molecule about a billion times it would resemble the head of Mickey Mouse, the "head" being the oxygen atom, the "ears" being the two hydroen atoms.

Snowflakes that are created at:

  • 32 to 27 degrees F are hexagonal plates

  • 23 to 18 degrees F are hollow prismatic columns

  • 18 to 10 degrees F are hexagonal again

  • 10 to 3 degrees F fernlike stars (dendrites)

  • -3 to -13 degrees F plates form

  • -13 to -53 degrees F hollow prismatic columns

From time to time, similar snowflakes are found. They look to the eye to be the same, but upons closer examination, there will be slight differences. After all, snowflakes have about a billion billion molecules. If two wree ever identical, now that would be truly amazing!

-Don Vorhees

God's greattness is infinite!

Friday, August 03, 2007

I was just thinking...

Some may wonder why I chose to be a Chiropractor instead of an inventor like I so clearly seemed fitted for. That's a good question that I've asked myself from time to time. You see, through the years I've been taught to be all I could be. Amd all through my childhood into high school I was heading to be an electronic engineer. But thanks to the Lord's graciousness, one day I was thinking about what I thought I was going to be and realized that I needed to become a chiropractor. Why? Because that is what was needed.

After school I would come home and my job was to go down into the basement and develop the x-rays my dad had taken during the day. I had a lot of opportunity to observe my dad's patients coming into his office. These were not the ordinary type of people you'd see in a doctor's office. These were people who took a risk. A risk for a new-found science. A risk for scorn in society for trying an unknown profession. A risk for going against "I've always did it that way". But they were more than willing to take that risk and why? Were these degenerate or unecducated people from the backwoods? No, they were bankers, lawyers, nurses, an occasional doctor, and everyday people from every walk of life. And why would they take that risk? Because they had one thing that all others have in common throughout all time. They wanted to be well. My dad's patients were people like you and me that had gotten sick and had tried everything. And done everything, and they still were sick and getting sicker. They were told they had to "live with it", that all was being done that could be done. They weren't happy with that answer and wanted to see if there was something else that could be done.

Many of them found out like my dad did through his only experience with sickness, that Chiropractic could help them get well when everything else had failed irregardless of money, prestige, education, faith in the doctor, etc. Day in and day out I and my sisters saw people like that come to my dad's office and get wonderfully well!

And in spite of the fact that I love(d) gadgets and all things with it and still do, that I felt there was someting more important than that. I needed to be like my dad and help get sick people well.

These last few years have made me realize even more what my profession of Chiropractic really is. It's a way to help sick people get well and stay well, naturally.

Now, I'm not claiming that Chiropractic will get everyone well, but it is so far advanced from anything else that I know that a caring person couldn't choose to do anything else. And even though I had many struggles in my practice because of my deficiencies I was able through God's grace to see many many people get well. And for that I'm grateful. People that would not have otherwise have an opportunity to live a better life. Nothing I could have ever done or do would have taken the joy I had when my patients would come and tell me how much better they were doing. I remember one kind old man who came to me many years ago. He couldn't swallow whole foods with out choking and so had resigned himself to life on soups. After coming to me for a while he came in one day all excited. "Doc!" "I ate a steak today!". That was a wonderful day. I had another couple who couldn't have children and were seeking to adopt and chose to try Chiropractic. After a few months care that couple got pregnant and now have several happy healthy children. I had two sisters who had migraine headaches for years. They were even being studied by U of M along with their mother and grandmother for genetic diseases, and yet they came to see if Chiropractic could help. And it did. They no longer had migraines. On and on, I could tell you of the wonderful experiences I had seeing this happen. And like my father who saw the same thing as he sat in his chiropractor's office when he was sick many years before. It was the only choice he had, to take this great and wonderful profession to others. Thanks to him and the 18 or so people who became chiropractors because of him, many thousands of people had and have better health through Chiropractic.

It's a funny thing. As I've been thinking about this the last few days, I'm reminded of how my dad was good at so many things but was never happy until he became a Chiropractor. I never though about why he wasn't discouraged before that. When he chose chiropractic he knew this was the thing for him. The same way I felt when in high school one day I chose the same thing. These last years have made me question why I chose the path I did and yet I knew it was the right one.

As I sit here today, I'm thankful for the path I chose. In spite of the opposition and doubt by many of my own family. It was the only way to go.

And so, as I meditate on thses things, I wonder how many of us have fallen in the trap of looking at our talents and going with what we thought we we're good at instead of what was needed.

In the Bible the Lord gave talents to his servants and basically commanded them to do something with it. There wasn't a test given to see who scored the best and yet they were EXPECTED to do something with what they were commanded to do.

I believe I've just hit the tip of the iceberg on this subject and it needs more investigation.

Anyway, that's the way it is - August 3, 2007!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Let's talk man to man

For the last few months, I've been thinking about writing on somethings that all men (women too) should know. I see Martha Stewart has kitchen equipment you need to have so I thought I'd like to put my 2 cents in. So here goes. I'll call these lettle talks M2M for man to man.

M2M #1 Whatever you do in life, the first and most important thing is that you come to know God and to devote your life in bringing honor to Him. Drop everything you're doing right now and Click on this link to read how you can know him. Don't kid yourself. There is only 1 way and one way only to have a relationship with God. Please read about it and consider it. Knowing Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior is THE most important thing you'll ever do.

Having financtial troubles, marital problems, work problem, or just plain problems. Start at the top by coming to Know Christ. Anything else is just a cover-up. Waiting till you just going to die won't cut it. Why? because there is no guarantee how long we'll live. In fact, there is no guarantee that you'll even finish reading this article. Don't waste your life on seeking foolish dreams that are only just like a vapor. They appear for a time but then just as quickly vanish.

I can tell you that through my experience in life, the God has provided all my needs through every situation. But it's even more than that. He goes beyond my needs and blesses me in so many ways that there's not enough time or space to tell them all.

If you read this link I'd be glad to talk to you or put you in touch with someone that can show you through God's Word how great a thing God has in store for you.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Hit your thumb and forget the foot pain

A couple years ago, my daughters baught me a cockatiel bird. Now, most people don't like them, but I do. Coming from a family of 10 for many years to now spending most of the time home alone I need the background noise. So, anyway, they bought me this beautiful bird. I looked it up in a book and it said the way you tell the sex of a cockatiel is by it's coloring around it's cheeks. (for those of you that think to look elsewhere, it doesn't work!). So because my bird had bright beautiful cheeks, I called him Sammy, El Guapo. Now the El Guapo comes from the movie 3 Amigos and it means "ladies man". For the last couple years we tried everything to get hime to talk. Even bought a DVD with bird sayings on it. But He just squawked.

Now here we are at Friday night and Saturday morning. I was in trmendous pain from a neuropathy in my legs and couldn't wait till I got out of dialysis to get home. I was counting the minutes till they unplugged me. Hoping that we still had some prescriptions for pain pills at home.

I came home tired, worn out and beat and the first thing I walked in Joy said, "Hey dad, guess what Sammy did?" I don't know I said. "She laid an egg" What! "She laid an egg! Take a look" Hmm, looks like we'll have to call him/her Samantha and drop the El Guapo part! As Joy looked up on the internet it seems that white cockatiels have been so inbred so much that they have lost their characteristic male/female cheek color identity. Another thing they do is hang upside down on the cage like a bat to protect their nests! Sammy, uh er Samantha was always doing that which we thought was cute.

As it sunk in that He was really a she, we got some good laughs thinking about all the effort we put into tryint to teach him to talk (not as dominant in females). Joy even tried for quite a while to teach him the Marine Hymn!

Later that day at a softball game we were telling some of the grand daughters about it and one of the 4 year olds said, "so what did the baby look like?" "Well, there was no baby" "Why, she said?" "Well, she needs to be married and have a dad" The rest of that story I'll leave to her parents to answer.

So what did that have to do with hitting my thumb. Because in that moment of discovering my 2 year old bird was a she, I forgot my pain.
I'm thankful to God for that.

Monday, June 18, 2007

I'm just realizing

some things my dad was trying to teach me.

I'm turning 59 this year and I'm still learning some things dad was trying to teach me. I've tried to raise my children so it won't take them 59 years to learn some things but we'll see. I am thankful for the values that him and mom raised me with. Some of their teachings (most actually) were done by their example. They showed how to live the right way through their example. Mom and dad stuck with me through thick and thin. I thank God for that. I'm not quite as patient with my children as my parents were but there's still hope for me yet. My hope for them is that they realize that life is not about them Kids grow up quick before you know it. And the sad part is to see them mimic you when they get oldr then you realize that you messed up in some areas. On the other hand, God has blessed me in many other areas with some great kids and grand kids and daughter-in-laws. Still praying for son-in-laws.

Monday, June 11, 2007

8 things...

My daughter-in-law challenged some of us to post 8 things about ourselves. Since my mouth is stuck in overdrive today, I'll give it a try. here goes:“Rules:” After posting these rules, each player proceeds to list 8 relatively random facts/habits about himself/herself. At the end of the post, the player then tags 8 people and posts their names, leaving them a comment on their blogs to let them know.

1. Although I used to be known as a techno-geek and won a prize by Bell telephone for my Science Fair project of making a telephone there is one thing that I'm pitiful at is using a telephone. It took me years to figure out how to use call waiting....

2. Hard to believe but I played varsity basketball and track in high school!

3. My buddies and I used to "haunt" attics and bank building clock towers in college and as a result left a legacy that come of the building in that town were haunted! ha ha

4. To raise money for a Chiropractic cause while I was in college, my wife and I made hundreds of ties and sold them.

5. One of my "wants" for a present is to get a Mindstorm lego robot.

6. Took helicopter lessons with my dad in Arizona

7. Although we had 9 children, we really wanted 12!

8. I'd like to live in a one room shack by the ocean for a year

Since I get an average of 9 visits per day on this blog site and you know who you are, you're tagged... :)