Thursday, March 23, 2006


Like I said in the previous posts, "children are a blessing". They really are.

Several years ago, our family was gathering together to walk into a funeral parlor. The funeral was for my wife Dolly. This was the time that the family got to see her first. After her going through some very tough times with cancer, the Lord saw it in His wisdom to take her home to be with Him. As a family, we had gone through times that brought us closer together and closer to God. Days and nights in the hospital many many times to the point where our cars would just automatically head for Oakwood hospital had got us to the point of numbness. We knew the Lord had it all under control (that's for another story), but we were tired and didn't know how we would react to the sorrow of losing someone you loved and then seeing her lifeless body.

As we got ready to go in, one of my granddaughters (all dressed up with a purse in her hands), announced cheerfully, "Hey guys! I got toys!". She was ready for a long day with her cousins and friends and wanted to let them know she came prepared!

I loved her and that phrase! It was another one of those times that children taught us that we are born, grow up, die, and others take their place. Regardless of how we feel, life goes on.

Life is so precious. We don't have forever to do right and have the right relationship with God through His son Jesus Christ. We don't have forever to make things right with our loved ones and friends. God gave me a great and godly wife, who gave me great children, and precious grand children. Thank you Lord for your grace in my life. For giving me your Son, and for giving me my family. Thank you Olivia for bringing toys to show that God is good and that life goes on.

1 comment:

Sher said...

Leave it to Olivia to lighten up the mood. :)