Friday, May 19, 2006

I have to give her credit!

This coming week is my daughter-in-law Amy's birthday. I remember when Amy and her sister used to come to church with their own unique dress style. They had a unique look, and to tell you the truth, they were way ahead of their time.

It wasn't long before Joshua decided that "she's the one for me" and told me he was going to ask her to marry him. They seemed to be a perfect fit and I was glad for them. Now if you're a Christian parent you know that you want your child to marry another Christian. Okay, they passed that test (not that it was our decision to make), but if you know the Elwart's they come from a family of Chiropractors (25 or so and counting!). Our kids were all born at home, never had any medications at all except 1/2 aspirin when Sher had a high fever, and I think an antibiotic for Joy when she had a tooth problem. So the next thing was what will she think about Chiropractic? After all, they will probably have children and how will they be raised?

My older boys sat us down and told us not to "lecture" their girl "friends" on Chiropractic, so we didn't. But after they got married, guess what?... They had to talk about it. Amy came over to our house and we talked to her about Chiropractic and she went home and thought about it. I don't know exactly how she came to accept Chiropractic, but she did.

That's a tough decision to make in a society that has blinders on about anything other than the "way we always did it". It took a real paradigm shift to look beyond what you've always known, and look at the facts and not the myths.

Accepting Chiropractic as part of her life was a good thing to me, but the greater thing was that she looked at the facts and made that decision. Why is that a good thing? Because with that mindset I know she will look at life not through a filter, but look at it honestly, look at the facts and make a decision based on it. That will be good for her and her family.

Amy and Josh have 3 daughters and are consistent in raising them up in the way they should go. It's a lot of work raising children in a Godly way, but it's worth it, and you can see the results in their girls.

Happy Birthday Amy!

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