Friday, May 05, 2006

The Mother of all rummage sales

My friend Bob emailed me and wanted to know if I wanted to keep him company today while he took his wife to a rummage sale. Sure, I answered back. So we went to the biggest rummage sale I have ever been to in my life. It was in a Methodist church in Birmingham. First of all, this was a HUGE church and I mean huge. There were multiple floors of stuff, and people scurrying around with garbage bags overflowing with who knows what. I was awestruck!

After I had enough, I sat down by the front door to relax. The next thing I knew people were bringing us their bags and trying to hand us money and having us watch their bags. One of the workers on the other side of the door came over and told me to help this lady put her clothes in a garbage bag! So, I got up and started putting her "deals" in the bag, and the lady said, "hey! if you're going to do that, I'll just go get some MORE stuff", and left me to finish stuffing her bag!

Bob and I had a good laugh as people were trying to get us to work there. We had a good time about it, and finally left after Bob made sure everyone had the bags we were watching. Who would have ever thought I would have spent some of my day working at a rummage sale!

What a laugh! :)

Thanks Bob & Suzette!

1 comment:

Lifetime Dieter said...

I wanted to go to that one! How many bags did Suzette take home? :)